• TherapeutischeVijfhoeka


  • TherapeutischeVijfhoekb

  • TherapeutischeVijfhoekc

Therapeutic Centre Pentagon

Therapeutic Centre Pentagon offers a broad, multidisciplinary and multilingual service for children and adults in two easily accessible locations in the heart of Brussels (Madou) and (Agora).

The children and adolescent team and adults' team consist of about fifteen psychotherapists, an adult psychiatrist and a sexologist. The therapists are licensed practitioners of a wide range of therapeutic treatment methods. Therapy can take the form of individual, couple, family or psychiatric follow-up. In addition, there is an offer of sexology. The spoken languages are among others Dutch, French and English.

Multidisciplinary inter- and supervision, adherence to the code of ethics and an open and respectful attitude towards clients are core values. We expect from clients a willingness to joined reflection and the openness to question themselves oneself.

What is psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is a treatment method to alleviate psychological suffering and improve psychological functioning. The requests for help relate to different topics for children and adolescents and topics for adults. The psychotherapist works with the client to understand the request for help and the suffering. Areas of focus are the inner life and the client's broad network of relationships.

The therapists of Therapeutic Centre Pentagon provide an offer for children and adolescents and an offer for adults. Depending on their training, the therapists use different methods and frames of reference:


Therapeutisch Centrum Vijfhoek
Vestiging Agora 
Agoragalerij - 4e verdieping
Grasmarkt 105 bus 17
1000 Brussel



Therapeutisch Centrum Vijfhoek
Vestiging Madou
3e verdieping
Madouplein 8
1210 Sint-Joost-te/n-Node
