• TherapeutischeVijfhoeka


  • TherapeutischeVijfhoekb

  • TherapeutischeVijfhoekc


Rates and refund

Payment is in cash, by instant bank transfer or via a QR code (using your bank''s payment app). Cancellation of an appointment is free of charge up to two working days in advance. In case of late cancellation a compensation will be asked in the value of the session price. New appointments are only possible after payment of the compensation. Please notify the therapist in case of delay.

In case of right to reimbursement by the health insurance, please bring a (printed) reimbursement form to the appointment.



Working method

A first appointment is made on the basis of an application form. The first appointment is an intake interview in which client and therapist get acquainted. During this conversation, an analysis of the request for help is made. If the client and the therapist agree on the help demand, a counselling session will be started.

The therapist keeps a patient file in accordance with the law on quality practice in mental healthcare. The therapist respects the deontological code of the relevant professional association, including professional secrecy.

Health professionals

For general questions and specific referrals, referrers can contact Charlotte Viaene(coordinator). For specific questions concerning the follow-up after a referral, it is best to contact the therapist in charge of the children's team or the adult team.


In the event of a crisis, contact your GP or report to the hospital emergency department. Tele-Onthaal offers a listening ear at any time (number 107) and a chat. You can also contact for a The suicide line conversation (number 1813), a chat or self-help.

Contact Details

Therapeutic Centre Pentagon
Charlotte Viaene (Coordinator)
0485 88 93 56
Madou square 8, 1210 Sint-Joost-ten-Node


Therapeutisch Centrum Vijfhoek
Vestiging Agora 
Agoragalerij - 4e verdieping
Grasmarkt 105 bus 17
1000 Brussel



Therapeutisch Centrum Vijfhoek
Vestiging Madou
3e verdieping
Madouplein 8
1210 Sint-Joost-te/n-Node
